Serving at Mass is a wonderful way to serve the community at St. Rose. There are a few ways for teens to help at Mass, including Ushering, Reading, and Altar Serving.The Ushers are those who welcome the parishioners into the church at the beginning of Mass, and then, during Mass, will collect money and present the gifts to the priest. The job is typically straight forward, so training is not required and you do not need to register below. Instead, the 6 ushers for Mass will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis. The first 6 teens to arrive at the Youth Mass and sign-in to "Usher" will serve that day. For Confirmation 2, each Mass will be 30 minutes towards your service hours.The Readers (or Lectors) are those who, during Mass, read the Scripture during "Liturgy of the Word." There are typically two readers for the two readings before the Priest reads the gospel. There is some basic training necessary for readers. If you'd like to read at Mass, please complete the form below, and you will be contacted for training, and then scheduled in depending on your availability. For Confirmation 2, each Mass will be 1 hour towards your service hours.The Altar Servers are those who assist the Priest throughout the Mass. There are typically at least two altar servers, and these servers will partake in several different jobs during the Mass. There will be training involved. If you'd like to be an altar server, please complete the form below, and you will be contacted for training, and then scheduled in depending on your availability. For Confirmation 2, each Mass will be 1 and 1/2 hours towards your hours.
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