Our goal at St. Rose of Lima Parish is to create a lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of Jesus‘ teaching and love. It embraces all ages and generations, fosters growth at home and promotes participation in our Church. As our Parish Mission states: “We are called by virtue of our Baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit to be Disciples of Jesus.”
Our Parish Family Faith Formation activities provide amazing opportunities for all members of the family to deepen and share their faith.
As Pope Francis stated: “the home is the Domestic Church”. The home provides a real place in which to learn, to live his or her faith, and where the child first encounters Jesus Christ. When families center Christ in their lives, their families grow closer together, have a firm foundation in their faith, and understand that their love is rooted in God’s love. It is the Catholic faith that unites our families.
Realizing the first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives, we were excited to add the Family Catechesis Model to our faith formation program in September of 2023. To date, sessions are led in English on Sunday mornings and repeated on Thursday evenings. Sessions are also led in Spanish with a Bilingual component for the children and for those parents who feel more comfortable with the Spanish language on Friday evenings and repeated on Saturday mornings. A detailed calendar is given to the parents at the beginning of the year.
These family gatherings include parents with their children in grades 2 through 6. Some children are preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist and for others it is a review of the Sacraments and Scripture readings. Catechist Leaders (Coaches) walk side by side with parents and their children so that together all are journeying closer to Christ.
Since its inception at St. Rose of Lima Parish, our Family Faith Formation has brought us great joy! We have witnessed families “sharing our faith and building God’s kingdom on earth”. There have been opportunities to explore Bible stories from the Old Testament, the importance of forgiveness, the many facets of the Liturgical year, and how God loves us more than we can imagine. We look forward to what the Holy Spirit has in store for us in 2024!
For more information please feel free to contact us.
Working Together to Share Our Faith
and Build God’s Kingdom on Earth,
Your St. Rose of Lima Parish
Family Faith Formation Team
Sr. Necy Guan 916-783-5211 x7010